Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Screen screen screen

I put my life into retrospective when we lost a staff at my hospital due to uncontrolled hypertension. She is a young lady in her late twenties. Then I said this is a lady who checked everyone's blood pressure before they see the doctor but didn't know her own blood pressure.

This article is about what trend the whole world is towing now as far as health is concerned.  Health care is becoming more preventive than interventional. People spend very little to get tested routinely for illnesses rather than to spend millions to get healed. It is a very rare practice in our part of the world, thats why people come down with fungating illnesses with poor prognosis. At the hospitals people don't know their blood groups, their sickling statuses, hepatitis B statuses, and even their weight or height. Am sure no one will fault anyone if he doesn't know his or her HIV status.

This is a drive to empower Ghanaians to take charge of their health and know they are the major stakeholders of their lives. It should be routine to walk into a facility to do a pap smear as early as your mid twenties. You should be able to do a breast exams and follow up with a cholesterol test in your mid thirties.

I know my Ghana will get there!!!! Go Ghana